- Sharp Healthcare Physician Referral Service
- Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Center
- Sheens Auto Care
Auto / Motorcycle
- Shelter Pointe Hotel & Marina
Travel / Leisure
- Sherman Elementary School
Education / Lesson
- Shibuya, Yoshindo., D.D.S.
- Shien of Osaka
Restaurant / Gourmet
- Susan Shimomaye, M.D. / Dermatologist Medical Group
- George K. Shinzaki, D.V.M.
- Shizuoka Japanese Restaurant
Restaurant / Gourmet
- Shogun Kobe
Restaurant / Gourmet
- Shozen & Manpo
Restaurant / Gourmet
- Side Bar
- Silver Designer
Gift / Shopping
- Silver Gate Elementary School
Education / Lesson
- Sixth Avenue Bistro
Restaurant / Gourmet
- Sky Room Restaurant
Restaurant / Gourmet
- Sleep Train
Life / Housing
- SMK Electronics Corporation
- Sombrero Mexican Food
Restaurant / Gourmet
- Sombrero Mexican Food
Restaurant / Gourmet
- Sony Electronics, Inc.
Computer / Electronics
- Sony Technology Center
Corporation / Manufacture
- Sorrento Canyon Golf Center
Entertainment / Hobby
- Sorrento European Bakery
Restaurant / Gourmet
- South Bay Drive-In
Entertainment / Hobby
- South Coast Longboards
Gift / Shopping
- South Coast Surf Shop
Gift / Shopping
- South Coast Windansea
Gift / Shopping
- The Southpaw Shoppe
Ceremonial Occasion
- Spania Restaurant
Restaurant / Gourmet
- Spice & Rice Thai Kitchen
Restaurant / Gourmet
- Spices Thai Cafe
Restaurant / Gourmet
- Spices Thai Cafe
Restaurant / Gourmet
- Spiro's Gyros
Restaurant / Gourmet
- The Sporting Club
Entertainment / Hobby
- Sports Authority
Gift / Shopping
- Spreckels Elementary School
Education / Lesson
- Stadium Golf Center & Batting Cages
Entertainment / Hobby
- Standley Middle School
Education / Lesson
- Star of India
Restaurant / Gourmet
- Star of India
Restaurant / Gourmet
- Star of India
Restaurant / Gourmet
- Station Sushi
Restaurant / Gourmet
- Stir Fresh Mongolian Grill
Restaurant / Gourmet
- Student Car Rental
Travel / Leisure
- Studio Diner
Restaurant / Gourmet
- Su Casa Seafood Grotto
Restaurant / Gourmet
- Subway Sandwiches & Salads
Restaurant / Gourmet
- Summerset Suites Hotel
Travel / Leisure
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